Monday, June 06, 2005

Update 6/6/05

Great news! We got our homestudy in the mail Saturday! Think of it as a biography of our lives. We tell the story and the social worker writes it for us. He has recommended us for adoption of two children under the age of 4 just as we requested. We had not seen the reference letters that our friends and family had written until we received this report. We have such incredible friends and family! We feel so loved. The next step is USCIS approval (the former INS). We have a form to complete and send in with our homestudy. We will be fingerprinted and then receive approval to bring home 'orphans.' We also have a registration packet to send in which will register us for an adoption in Russia. Then the agency will begin searching for our children. The agency believes it will be approximately 6 months to referral. Have a good week and happy 42nd anniversary to Kirsten's Mom and Dad!

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