Our paperwork is on its way to Russia!!! Now begins the long waiting process! It is estimated that we will be waiting 6-8 months for our referrals. A referral is the receipt of official information on our children. After receiving a referral it is recommended that we share this information with an international adoption doctor for their opinion on any possible missed diagnoses or clarification of any diagnoses. Then we can accept or reject the referral. We will not travel to Russia until we have accepted 2 referrals.
Next week I'll be going to Disney World with my family. Unfortunately, Michael is unable to join me in the adventure due to his new job. He has made plans to fish with some friends during the weekend so I know he'll be having at least some fun. My brother and his family leave for Germany in just a couple of weeks for a 3 year tour (something they have wanted to do for a long time). It will be nice to spend some quality time with them. We hope to be able to stop off in Germany on our way home so that our children can meet his children.
I guess now I'll start to work on our children's lifebooks. A lifebook is a kind of scrapbook that you create for your child/ren so that have a book to look back and learn about their life with their new family. I'll make blank pages that need pictures added and then add them when we return from Russia. I'm also making 2 little photo albums to leave with the children after our first visit. This will help familiarize them with what their new life will be like. We won't start planning the children's rooms until after the first trip. I have been reading alot lately about coming home and how to prepare yourself, the house, the children, etc. I have started collecting items that are recommended for traveling (travel sized toilet paper, travel sized kleenex, first aid, etc.)
Some of you have heard about the problems in Russia lately due to the untimely & sad deaths of 2 toddlers at the hands of the adoptive mothers. One mother wasconvicted and sentenced to 12 years in prison. The other mother goes to court inAugust. One concern lately has been what the Russian government will do after these to situations. It appears that the Russian government is not up to stopping the adotion process at this time (Of course with international adoptions from any country anything can happen.) What appears will happen is more work for us as parents. Two items mentioned for possible additions are a personality test and parent training. Neither one of these is unusual. As a matter of fact, some agencies and states already require these items. Also, some of the regions in Russia require these already. We aren't concerned at all. The one change that may affect us is that the judges may resist placing 2 young children with a couple at one time. It has been suggested that we either consider bringing home one infant or increasing the age of the other child to 4 or 5. Michael and I both believe we are supposed to adopt 2 children so we have agreed that we will raise the age.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I hope this message finds everyone happy and healthy.
Love, Kirsten & Michael
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