Tuesday, March 21, 2006

What's in a name?


That is the name we have chosen for our son! We will call him Bobby. He is named for his great Uncle Butch, whose given name is Robert Curtis Martin Jr. This is Michael's mother's brother. Check that off the list of many things to do!

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Dance of the Dossier

I talked with Andrea tonight. For those of you who are curioust as to waht the consulate is doing with our paperwork, here it is.
  1. One person checks the papers for any errors and initials every page
  2. Then his supervisor double checks it
  3. After that the paperwork travels to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where it is checked to make sure the consulate didn't make any mistakes
  4. Paperwork is then moved to the Ministry of Education (MOE) where it is logged in.
  5. Once we know which region we are traveling to, our paperwork will again be moved to the Regional MOE
  6. The Regional MOE then asks the the Central MOE to send a Letter of Invitation (LOI) to us to travel.

Meanwhile, we will be here waiting for the call and completing more paperwork that is required for travel.

Friday, March 17, 2006


I can't believe it! Our paperwork has made it to through translation in less than a week! Mom said "Do I need to pack?" If things go this fast... WOW!!!!

Not exactly, Mom! Our paperwork will probably remain at the consulate for approximately 2 months.

I'm cleaning the house and getting ready for the baby! I guess that's called 'nesting.'

My parents will be coming up in a couple of weeks and we will set up the baby's room.

I'll keep you up to date!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Update 3/6/2006

Happy birthday, Ciarra! Here we are a year later and still working on getting our baby home.

We are closer than last year, though. Our paperwork is being sorted and then will be sent to the translator which will take approximately 2-3 weeks. After this is completed the dossier will be sent to the Kazakhstan Consulate in New York.

I have started making our baby registry and buying supplies such as wipes (can't have too many of those!)

We are going to wait to pick out any names until we have our child.

I have decided that so many people are having troubles with the Yahoo! Group that we will try using the Blog instead. Other families say that this is more convenient method for families to keep their families and friends informed. I don't think you even have to sign up to read or comment to the blog.