Tuesday, June 06, 2006


We had our first meeting today about the court. Michael will have to make a speech about our lives and why we want to adopt Bobby. We are preparing a short video of our pictures and some videos we have taken to show the judge. You are supposed to show how the child has bonded with you. I had many videos of Michael and Bobby but none of me with him. We tried to get some today.
It has rained off and on for a couple of days. We thought with the rain that the "cotton" would subside some but it seems to have gotten worse. Even the trees look white from this stuff! It's incredible. It was hard to watch Bobby playing today because the so much stuff was blowing around.
My mom is coming Sunday and Michael is leaving on Monday. I feel like the changing of the guards. We are tiring of the take home food, but eating out with 12 people is a huge pain! Mom - do you think you could sneak us some good old American food?
Not much else is going on. Just another day in the Groundhog Day movie!


PS - I thought you would enjoy some pictures of Bobby's first program. This was Protection of Children Day. It seems to be the one day that people give gifts to the orphanage. There were vendors everywhere and carnivals too.

BTW - Thank you Jerral for helping us finally sell our house. It will be so wonderful to come home knowing that that stressor is gone!

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